Upper Grammar (3-6th) 2022-2023

The Cultivation of Language, Literature and Number Sense

During grades 3-6, we seek to extend the wonder and virtue education begun in the lower grammar years and “seal” and strengthen students’ wonder and virtue so that they become a permanent aspect of their character. At this time we also begin the dedicated study of grammar, studying both Latin (or Greek) and English grammar. We will reveal to them the wonder of language—how it works as a medium of thought and communication, how it delights the ear, the tongue, and the soul. We will teach grammar as an art that illumines and humanizes, and that provides students with the capacity to acquire wisdom (via reading) and express their ideas and thoughts clearly (via speech and writing).

At this time we will also begin to introduce students to the Great Books, or great literature or living books. Now that students are independent readers, we will give them a steady diet of the best literature—including novels, poetry, and history.

We will also work to impart mastery of number sense—showing students the wonder of mathematics and giving them a solid understanding of how numbers work (numeracy or number sense). Students will see mathematics as another language to describe the world, something beautiful, something to play with, and something with which to do valuable work.

As in the lower grammar period, we will continue to surround students with beautiful art and music and to give ample opportunities for students to engage the beauty of nature outside. We encourage all students to begin to study a musical instrument, sing, or study another fine art such as drawing, dance, or drama.

Students will not be given grades or assessments by the instructor; however, we will work with parents to monitor student growth and adjust the course activities in accordance with each child’s development. 

Suggestions for end of term reflections and assessments and opportunities for community-wide Celebrations of Learning– either virtually or in-person- will be provided.

Suggested Weekly Rhythm of Learning

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What will be provided:

  • Literature Discussion- virtually once per term
  • Term Book Lists (to reserve from your library)
  • Bible Memory verse and song (1/term)
  • Hymn and resource (1/term)
  • Memory Work  (geography, history. science, Latin, English grammar, math)
  • Poetry Prompts (one poet studied per term)
  • Picture Study and Art Prompts (one artist studied per term)
  • Music Prompts and Listening Lists (one composer studied per term)
  • Virtue resources (one per term)
  • Additional resources and suggested hands on explorations for history, science and geography
  • Tea Time plans, once per term
  • Access to Schoology, easily accessible online platform for course content